Author - Reader - Blogger

Writing Samples

There’s been a time in the evolution of
everything that works when it didn’t work.
— Leo McGarry, The West Wing

There was a time in the history of all good writers, when they weren’t!

I wasn’t always the most capable of writers, and I’m by no means perfect now. I’ve worked hard at developing my skills, partly through taking my degrees in English, and partly by practising and editing my work. As part of that process, way back in my youth, I wrote Fan Fiction, as a lot of people did and still do. With this in mind, I post below four pieces that I wrote; these were on two websites for sharing writing like this but I’ve just taken them down to put here, only.

I’ve left in all the mistakes, and unpolished sentences. All the lack of description and all the gaps. Why? To not only demonstrate where I started and how far I’ve come as a writer, but also to offer reassurance to anyone just beginning to write, or anyone who believes they’re not a good writer; practice makes perfect, keep writing, keep working, and keep thinking!

There are some scenes of an intimate nature; these are extremely unpolished, unrefined and stereotypical. Some are even down-right cheesy! If you do not like reading things like this, do not read the last of the Due South section, nor the crossover piece.

My intention is to add things here which don’t make my novels, either; discarded sections of text or ideas, or even (if I remember to do it) versions of the text at each stage of its editing/improvement. These parts will all be under my © and may not be copied in any way, shape, form, or fashion.


Due South Fan Fiction

There is a video on the page which you can watch to establish context.

  • Self-belief Must be a Wonderful Thing

    There is a video on the page which you can watch to establish context.

  • Complications

    This is a sequel to “Self-belief must be a wonderful thing.”

    WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS ADULT MATERIAL WHICH MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR A YOUNGER READER. Do not read if you do not like scenes of a sexual nature, or if you are below 18.

The X-Files/Stargate SG1 Crossover

  • The Meeting of the Minds

  • This is an unfinished piece, I lost it when I swapped my computer, it’s only because I’d emailed it to a friend to read that I have it now.

    Warning: it contains adult material which may not be suitable for a younger reader. Do not read if you do not like scenes of a sexual nature, or if you are below 18.